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    Past Event: Honoring Cellular Stories: An Expressive Deep-Dive into Epigenetics


    Join us to learn and befriend the smallest parts of ourselves in this dynamic workshop. The field of epigenetics holds great hope and meaning that therapists can carry and pass on to our clients. We will incorporate sand, art, movement, and horticulture-based therapy into this full-day gathering.

    Recorded Webinars

    • Do you feel connected to hope, but don’t know why? Up until recently our world has told us our genes determine our mental health. Epigenetics tells us our genes are not the end of our story. Understanding epigenetics gives therapists data to the hope they already hold for their clients. Wherever you are in your therapist journey this training is for you. This 90-minute training teaches participants how to confidently use and feel into this evolving research with clients.
    Pre-Recorded Webinar- $29

    Past Event: Honoring Cellular Stories: A Deep Dive into Epigenetics

    Colorado Location, 8/6/22: FULL 

    (email [email protected] for waitlist)

    Coffee and Chat

    Recorded link of live chat provided

    This coffee and chat is calling to all those who work with parents, and therapists who identify as parents. Join Abby and Kellee as they explore supporting parents during the pandemic, and ways to manage when you’re wearing both hats.

    Coffee and Chat

    Recorded link of live chat provided

    Join Abby and Kellee in this informal setting where they explore how our attachment is influenced by epigenetics and what we do with this information. Hint! There’s a lot of hope! Can’t attend live? Sign up and get the recording emailed to you within 24 hours of the event!


    Coffee and Chat

    Recorded link of live chat provided

    Join Abby, Kellee, and others who participated as they define different attachment categories, how these categories show up for clients, and how our own attachment categories show up in therapy room.

    2024 EMDR CIT Consultation Intensives

    Are you an EMDR practitioner and interested in becoming a consultant? CITs join us for EMDR CIT Intensives in 2024! Each intensive will provide 1 individual and 4 group hours. We will be using expressive modalities to conceptualize consultee cases and navigate this work as consultants. Capped at 5 participants. $250 per intensive day. Email [email protected] or [email protected] for more information!

    Wonder With Consultation Group

    We are so grateful to do community with you! Join us for our monthly consultation group, Wonder With, the third Thursday of each month. We will gather and embody the practice of ‘being with’ in a field where connection and community is all too scarce. This group often has a waitlist, please contact us for more information about availability: [email protected].